Outros Resultados Científicos


Apresentação de Comunicações:

Almeida, J., Daniel, A.D. (2019). Junior Enterprises: What role do they play in University-Business Collaboration? Paper presented at the 26th APDR Congress: Evidence-based territorial policymaking: formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy, Aveiro (pp 697-706). http://apdr.pt/data/documents/ATAS_APDRcongress2019.pdf

Building a conceptual framework for regional development strategies in EU less developed regions: embracing participative processes in the Portuguese Centro Region. (2019). In 26o Congresso da Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional (APDR) Evidence-Based Territorial Policymaking. Aveiro, Portugal.

Campos Fernandes, R., & Moreno Pires, S. (2019). Reforma Administrativa: eficiência e redução das Assimetrias Regionais. É possível? In 2o Encontro Anual de Economia Política, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra. Coimbra, Portugal.

Costa, B., & Moreno Pires, S. (2019). Mapping Cultural Ecosystem Services in a Portuguese city: citizens e-participatory mapping in urban planning. In 4th International Conference Urban E-Planning. Lisbon, Portugal.

Costa, B., & Moreno Pires, S. (2019). Mapping Cultural Ecosystem Services in a Portuguese city: valuing people’s perception in local policy making. In EURA – UAA 2019 Conference – City Futures IV. Dublin, Ireland.

Daniel, A.D., Almeida, J. (2019). Promotion of academic entrepreneurship: the role of Junior Enterprises and Entrepreneurship Education.  4th Regional HELIX Conference (26-28 june), Porto Design Factory, P.Porto, Porto, Portugal.

Figueiredo, C., Daniel, A., Almeida, J., Silva, C.F., & Soares, S.C. (2020, Outubro) Resiliência em trabalhadores dos sectores industrial e tecnológico da região Centro de Portugal: relação com o bem-estar subjetivo e com a perceção de suporte social. Comunicação apresentada no II Congresso ibérico de resiliência e bem-estar. Amadora, Portugal.

Figueiredo, C., Daniel, A., Almeida, J., Soares, S.C. (2019, December). Subjective Well-Being of Portuguese Employees: The Role of Personality and Organizational Context. Oral communication presented at the 2nd International Conference on Research in Social Sciences (RSSCONF). Vienna, Austria.

“Figueiredo, Cláudia; Soares, C. Sandra; Barros, Filipa; Silva, Carlos F. (2018, Novembro) O Bem-estar subjectivo: o impacto das dimensões de ansiedade em dois

grupos etários. Poster apresentado no I Congresso Ibérico de Resiliência e Bem-estar, Amadora “

Moreno Pires, S., da Cruz, N., & Teles, F. (2018). Dancing in the rain: can local governments really cope with sustainable development pressures? In PSA 68th Annual International Conference. Cardiff, UK.

Moreno Pires, S., Galli, A., Alves, A., Teles, F., Iha, K., & Mancini, S. (2019). Using Ecological Footprint Accounting to challenge local policies towards climate change: a critical review from six Portuguese municipalities. In 2019 ECPR General Conference. Wroclaw, Poland.

Moreno Pires, S., Galli, A., Alves, A., Teles, F., Iha, K., & Marques, J. (2019). Using Ecological Footprint Accounting to challenge local policies: a critical review from six Portuguese municipalities. In EURA – UAA 2019 Conference – City Futures IV. Dublin, Ireland.

Moreno Pires, S., Tavares, A., & Teles, F. (2019). Voice, Accountability, and Alternative Policy Venues: An Analysis of Citizen Complaints against Local Government to the National Ombudsman. In 2019 ECPR General Conference. Wroclaw, Poland.

Mota, L., Moreno Pires, S., & Teles, F. (2018). Agents of local economic development policies (in Portugal): is the inter-municipal sphere the most relevant? In 2018 ECPR General Conference. Hamburg, Germany.

Mota, L., Moreno Pires, S., & Teles, F. (2019). Atores e Processos Relacionais no domínio do Desenvolvimento Económico Local e a Importância de Estruturas Intermunicipais: estudo de caso do município de Aveiro. In 2o Encontro Anual de Economia Política, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra. Coimbra, Portugal.

Polido, A., Moreno Pires, S., Rodrigues, C., & Teles, F. (2018). Developing a conceptual framework towards sustainable development in a less developed region of the EU: The case of Centro Region. In ISDRS 2018 – 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference. Messina, Italy.

Polido, A., Moreno Pires, S., Rodrigues, C., & Teles, F. (2018). Exploring Territorial Innovation Models for regional development: the case of European Less Developed Regions. In EURA 2018 – European Urban Research Association Conference. Tilburg, Netherlands.

Polido, A., Moreno Pires, S., Rodrigues, C., & Teles, F. (2018). Exploring the link between sustainability transitions and Territorial Innovation Models for regional development: the case of European Less Developed Regions. In 3rd Network of Early Career Researchers in Sustainability Transitions (NEST) Conference. Utrecht, Holand.

Polido, A., Moreno Pires, S., Rodrigues, C., & Teles, F. (2018). Linking the Sustainability Transitions theory with Territorial Innovation Models for regional development of European Less Developed Regions. In 9th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST) Conference. Manchester, UK.

Polido, A., Moreno Pires, S., Rodrigues, C., & Teles, F. (2018). Territorial Innovation Models in Less Developed Regions: a review. In ISDRS 2018 – 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference. Messina, Italy.

Polido, A., Moreno Pires, S., Rodrigues, C., & Teles, F. (2018). The Unbearable Lightness of Sustainable Development: Smart Specialization Strategies in Less Developed Regions. In EURA 2018 – European Urban Research Association Conference. Tilburg, Netherlands.

Polido, A., Moreno Pires, S., Rodrigues, C., & Teles, F. (2019). Embracing participative processes in regional development strategies in EU less developed regions: The case of Portuguese Centro Region. In EURA – UAA 2019 Conference – City Futures IV. Dublin, Ireland.

Polido, A., Moreno Pires, S., Rodrigues, C., & Teles, F. (2019). The entrepreneurial process of discovery in institutional change: The case of Portuguese Centro Region. In AESOP 2019 – Association of European Schools of Planning Conference. Venice, Italy.


Polido, A., Moreno Pires, S., Rodrigues, C., & Teles, F. (2019). The Unbearable Lightness of Sustainable Development: Smart Specialization Strategies in Less Developed Regions. In 4th Network of Early Career Researchers in Sustainability Transitions (NEST) Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.

Ramos, D., Costa, C., & Teles, F. (2018). Coastal Tourism in Low Density Areas – literature review. In 2nd International Scientific Conference TOURMAN 2018. Rhodes, Greece.

Ramos, D., Costa, C., & Teles, F. (2018). Tourism Leadership in low population density areas. In 13th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE 2018). Aveiro, Portugal.

Ramos, F., Pedro, L., Almeida, M., Silva, P. (2019). Exploring the learmning and training dimension of a digital platform for territory-based innovation. In EduLearn 2019. Palma de Maillorca, July 1-3.

Renó, D., Silva, P. A.,  Almeida, A. M., Ramos, F., Pedro, L., Antunes, M.J., Tymoshchuk, O. (2019). Conceção de uma plataforma de mediação digital para a Região Centro. In  Conferência APDR 2019, Aveiro, Portugal

Santos, A., Nogueira, F., & Teles, F. (2018). Can a complex institutional architecture governance arrangements lead to a stronger institutional capacity? – Mapping the Centro Region in Portugal. In EURA 2018 – European Urban Research Association Conference. Tilburg, Netherlands.

Silva, P. A., Tymoshchuk, O., Renó, D., Almeida, A. M., Pedro, L., & Ramos, F. (2018). Unravelling the Role of ICT in Regional Innovation Networks: A Case Study of the Music Festival ‘Bons Sons.’ In SLERD 2018: 3rd International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development, Aalborg, Denmark.

Silva, P., Mota, L., Romeiro, P., & Teles, F. (2019). Brothers in arms: scoping the architecture and intensity of local collaborative arrangements. In 2019 ECPR General Conference. Wroclaw, Poland.

Silva, P.A. (2019). The Sailboat Exercise as a Method for User Understanding and Requirements Gathering. In Interact 2019 – DEAP Workshop 2019.

Silva, P.A. & Daniel, A.D. (2019). Training Non-Designers in Co-Design Methods through an Active Assisted Living Interactive Workshop. In Conference proceedings Interact 2019.

Tymoshchuk, O., Renó, D., Silva, P. A., Almeida, A.M., Antunes,  M. J., Pedro, L. & Ramos, F. (2019). Construção de um quadro de referência para a conceção de estratégias de mediação digital em Inovação de base territorial. In Conferência APDR 2019, Aveiro, Portugal.


Apresentação de Posters

Barros, F., Figueiredo, C., Costa, A., Madeira, N., Morais, S., & Soares, S. C. (2020, July). The impact of trait anxiety and autism traits on olfactory abilities of the general population. E-poster presented at the 28th Congress of the European Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain

Costa, C., Figueiredo, C., & Soares; S.C. (2019, September). Percursos dos alunos de licenciatura da Universidade de Aveiro: três anos após o ingresso. Poster apresentado na CNaPPES.19 – 6º Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior, Santarém, Portugal.

Figueiredo, C. Soares, C. S., Barros, F. & Mendes, A. (2018, Setembro). Satisfação com a vida de estudantes do ensino superior: o impacto das dimensões cognitiva e somática da ansiedade estado e traço. Poster apresentado no 4º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Braga.

Figueiredo, C., Costa, C., & Soares; S.C. (2019, September). Student wellbeing at the University of Aveiro. Poster presented in ECIU symposium on student wellbeing, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal.

Figueiredo, C., Costa, C., Queirós, A. & Soares, S. C. (2019, julho). “Bem-estar subjetivo do estudante da Universidade de Aveiro: proposta de um modelo de monitorização”. Poster apresentado na CNaPPES.19 – 6º Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior, Santarém, Portugal.

atualizado em: 27 jan 2021

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