WP1: Project Management and Coordination

Start month: month 1
End month: month 36


This Workpackage aims at promoting the scientific and administrative management of the project. In the administrative domain, the work package will: (i) set the basis for the co-ordination of the technical activities of WP2-4 and the interactions among researchers; (ii) establish and maintain links between project and the management authority. The technical management will monitor the progress of the technical outcomes of the project, with an emphasis given on the project milestones and deliverables.

In more detail the objectives of the management work package are:
  ● Establishment of an appropriate relationships and communication channels between researchers and the Management Authority;
  ● Management of project´s resources and monitoring of the overall project performance;
  ● Promotion of an effective resource management and risk management;
  ● Report to the Management Authority;
  ● Promotion of a timely execution of the project work;
  ● Promotion of adequate information flows between the work packages;
  ● Monitorization of the project’s progress;
  ● Identification and minimization of obstacles and risks.

Description of Work

Task 1.1 – Administrative Project Management

The Project Manager will coordinate the financial, administrative, and contractual matters of the project. Experienced staff, part of the financial and administrative departments of the University, will assist the PM. Handling Contracts with new team members, and preparing cost declarations are part of this activity.

Task 1.2 – Technical Management & Quality Control

This Activity covers the overall project technical management work including the quality control of the results. Therefore it covers the tasks performed by the Technical Committee (TC), composed by all WP leaders, that supervises the technical activities of the project to keep work consistent. Annual technical progress reports will be produced. The work, results, and outputs of the WPs, including technical publications, will be evaluated in regular steps during the whole project duration. The TC will define quality measures and strategies for risk management.

Task 1.3 – Internal Communication

The main communication means will be in-house quarterly progress updates and meetings every 3 months to which all researchers will contribute as appropriate. The PM will organise the meetings and the agenda, to include administration, funding, scientific issues, exploitation, and IPR issues. Additional meetings will be scheduled as needed. The PM will support the WPs through organising meetings; motivating the team; providing information.


All results are available for reference on the Workpackages and Results page.

Filipe Teles

WP 1 and 2 Coordinator

Anabela Botelho

WP4 Coordinator

Ana Santos

Sc&T Manager


Fernando Ramos

WP3 Coordinator

Sandra Soares

WP5 Coordinator

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