“CeNTER – Community-led Networks for Territorial Innovation” Integrated Research Program

The “CeNTER – Community-led Networks for Territorial Innovation” Program aims at identifying the policy tools which best allow for the valorisation of territorial resources in order to promote employment and quality of life in Centro Region, Portugal. The main outcome of the Program will be a proposal of a territorial innovation model led by community and powered by digital media, as well as an impact assessment framework that will foster the foundation of an Observatory for Human Capital and regional innovation performance in the University of Aveiro.

The main aim of this integrated Program is to contribute to the Territorial Innovation Systems body of research through promoting a better understanding of the dynamics between the different regional actors (public institutions, enterprises and communities) involved in regional development.

A set of independent but interlinked bodies ensures consistent scientific, administrative and financial coordination of the Program, giving participants the necessary support to achieve the Program objectives.

The CeNTER Program is structured around a research line, which is organized in 5 workpackages. Thus, the conceptual and analytical approach of this Program is focused on three main themes: (1) territory; (2) mediation and valorisation; and (3) employment and quality of life.

This Program is promoted by the University of Aveiro and funded by Programa Operacional Regional do Centro (CENTRO 2020), through the ERDF and PT2020.
The effective start date of the Program is April 2017.

WP2 members participate in the opening sessions and of the various Work Groups for the revision process of the Centro Region Smart Specialization Strategy
The CeNTER Program publish the first of a series of Policy Papers, with particular practical application for the Centro Region
Researcher from CeNTER attends to the 1st National Conference on Clusters
Research team from CeNTER publishes a systematic review of the literature on territorial innovation in one of the leading journals in the field
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